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- 脚本插件
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- 企业办公系统界面
- 应用移植
- Android开发
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- 应用汉化
- 安卓系统定制
- 网店装修
Cartoon FX Pack 3 卡通特效unity3d插件脚本场景模型

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Requires Unity 4.1.2 or higher.
50+ Cartoon styled high quality special effects prefabs! (200+ including variants)
Includes mobile-optimized versions of all the prefabs!
High resolution textures!
Works with 2D and 3D!
Includes Cartoon FX Easy Editor!
Also includes CFX Spawn System to preload your effects and recycle them (avoiding the use of Instantiate which is costly for mobile platforms)
Other Cartoon FX packs:
Cartoon FX Pack 1
Cartoon FX Pack 2
Unique Effects List:
Electric Hit
Smoke Columns
Snow (Light, Dense, Storm)
Fire Hits (2)
Fire Rain
Flying Ember
Ice Hits (2)
LightBall (2)
Light Hits (3)
Light Glow (3)
Resurrection Light (2)
Shield Rays (2)
Sky Rays
Magic Auras (3)
Dark Magic Auras (3)
Vortex Tornado
Misc Hits (7)
Falling Leaves (Small, Large)
Leaves Hit
Leaves Shield