
unity3d插件 Dynamic Sword Animset【最新版 可升级】

  • unity3d插件 Dynamic Sword Animset【最新版 可升级】
  • 价    格:120
  • 商品库存: 37 件
  • 品牌:
  • 货号:5c9ac9a9d6ec
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家sch12ljj


Hello, we’d like to introduce our Dynamic Sword Animset.

This is an animation package created based on the Unity Humanoid Mecanim animation system structure.

Based on the basic movements of a character equipped with a sword and shield, it contains animations for a variety of different types of battle motions including attack, damage, roll, and dash. This animation package is designed to make your game more dynamic and stylish. 

This animation package contains animations for a total of 156 different motions, which are classified into Inplace and RootMotion. 

Blueisland Animset Viewer
Apple App Store Link
Google Play Store Link

Incorporate Dynamic Sword Animset into the game you’re working on, and make it more dynamic and stylish.
